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Welcome to EMD Serono's US STARTone Portal

COMMITTED TO SCIENCE, MEDICAL EDUCATION AND PATIENT CARE EMD Serono (the ‘company’) is a patient-centric organization and believes in science and innovation to advance patient care. The company supports Investigator-Sponsored Studies (ISSs) for innovative research and clinical studies. By supporting such independent research, the company seeks to stimulate the advancement of clinical and medical knowledge and patient care in our areas of therapeutic interest as a complement to our company-sponsored studies. The company also provides grants to support Continuing Medical Education (CME) in order to foster the advance of medicine and healthcare, address recognized gaps in healthcare knowledge, and improve patient care. The STARTone portal is designed to facilitate these goals.

To learn more about our Investigator Sponsored Studies (ISS) programs and areas of interest, please register as an ISS applicant.

To learn more about and apply for a Medical Education Grant (MEG), please register as a MEG applicant.

Please contact us through email if you need assistance with the following areas:
  • ISS Issues/Questions: contact your local country representative
  • MEG Issues/Questions: FundingRequests@emdserono.com
  • Login/Registration Issues: support@smartsimple.com