Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions remain unanswered, please contact Merck Healthcare KGaA.


Technical questions

How do I register for an account?

How do I register for an account?

You can register for an account by clicking the ‘Login/Register’ link in the upper right corner of this homepage and then clicking the 'MEG Applicant Registration' button. During registration, you will be requested to provide specific organizational and personal information and agree with the Privacy Declaration and Legal Disclaimer. After registration, you will be provided with your own password protected page that you can access using your username and password.

What do I do, if did not receive an e-mail confirming my registration?

What do I do, if did not receive an e-mail confirming my registration?

In the unlikely case that you do not receive an e-mail notification confirming your registration, please contact:

What do I do, if I have forgotten my password?

What do I do, if I have forgotten my password?

If you have forgotten your password, please click on the ‘Forgot Password?’ link on the STARTone Portal Login page. After entering your e-mail address, you will receive a link by e-mail allowing you to specify a new password.

What do I do, if I am not able to login?

What do I do, if I am not able to login?

In the unlikely case that you cannot log into your account, despite using the correct username and password, please contact:

Is it possible to complete part of the application process and come back later?

Is it possible to complete part of the application process and come back later?

It is possible to save your application at any given time. To do so, click on the 'Save Draft’ button. You can access your proposal and continue working at any time via your own password protected page, as long as the proposal is submitted before the given deadline. Once you have submitted your proposal, it is no longer possible to change details.

What if my descriptions, agenda, budget etc. do not fit in the allotted space?

What if my descriptions, agenda, budget etc. do not fit in the allotted space?

In the creation process of a Medical Education Grant proposal, you will have the possibility to upload additional files and supporting documents in the dedicated "Supporting Documents" tab within the Proposal record before submitting the proposal.

The programs we support

Which activities are supported?

Which activities are supported?

We support Independent Medical Education (IME), Continuing Medical Education (CME), Fellowship Programs and the development of Treatment Guidelines. We do not support promotional and/or product-related activities with this grant system.

Who is eligible to apply for medical education grants via the Merck Medical Education Grant System?

Who is eligible to apply for medical education grants via the Merck Medical Education Grant System?

Medical societies, universities, hospitals, research organizations and specialized medical education providers are eligible to apply for medical education grants. Individuals cannot apply for funding. We shall not provide medical education funding for an activity, if the grant requestor or an educational partner (including a parent or sister company) is conducting or could potentially conduct any Merck promotional activities, unless - as per Merck policy - an adequate system to prevent improper influence and ensure separation of such activities is in place.

Can Merck influence my medical education activity?

Can Merck influence my medical education activity?

Merck shall not exercise any control over or influence the educational program’s organization, operation, content, materials, faculty, speakers, presenters, moderators, audience, or venue. The funding recipient is responsible for and shall maintain control over the identification of educational needs; determination of educational objectives; selection of content, faculty or other persons and organizations that will be in a position to control the content of the activity, educational methods, materials, target audience, and venue; evaluations; and presentation of content.

The application process

How is the application process structured?

How is the application process structured?

Medical Education Grant proposals can be submitted in response to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) issued on the Medical Education Grant System. The application procedure has a streamlined and adapted process: the initial and subsequent detailed application have been combined into one application. This new process approach allows a quicker evaluation of the proposed program as the medical education provider will create only one medical education proposal with all the detailed program information. Each application will undergo a two-step evaluation process to assess the application after which a decision will be made regarding the award of medical education funding. Only when a Medical Education Funding Agreement has been signed by both parties, does Merck commit to provide funding.

Can my organization submit more than one application at the same time?

Can my organization submit more than one application at the same time?

Yes, you can submit more than one application at the same time via your password protected page. Each proposal will require an individual workflow in the Medical Education Grant System.

Will I be informed that you have received my organization's application?

Will I be informed that you have received my organization's application?

Yes, you will be informed that your proposal has been submitted. We will keep you updated about the progress of your grant application via automated e-mail notifications, as well as on your password protected "My Dashboard" page within the Medical Education Grant System. If you do not receive these e-mail notifications, please contact us:

Can my organization track the progress of my grant application?

Can my organization track the progress of my grant application?

You can track the progress and status of your proposal on your password protected "My Dashboard" page within the Medical Education Grant System.

How will I be informed about the grant decision?

How will I be informed about the grant decision?

You will be informed about the status of your proposal and the final grant decision, by automated e-mail notifications, as well as via your password protected "My Dashboard" page within the Medical Education Grant System. If you do not receive these e-mail notifications, please contact us:

After the funding decision

When will I receive contractual confirmation?

When will I receive contractual confirmation?

Once your proposal have been approved, we will prepare a Medical Education Funding Agreement to be signed by the provider and Merck. Only when this agreement has been signed by both parties do we commit to provide financial support for a medical education program.

What is the process, if the costs of the activity are higher than expected and my organization would like to request further funding?

What is the process, if the costs of the activity are higher than expected and my organization would like to request further funding?

If you have any changes of scope, you can initiate the amendment process workflow for your proposal in the Medical Education Grant System and in such cases further approval is required.

What is the process if funds are not used in total?

What is the process if funds are not used in total?

Following any program, financial reconciliation is required. Any unused funds must be returned to Merck and cannot be used for other activities without prior approval.

If funds remain after the activity, can they be used to support future activities?

If funds remain after the activity, can they be used to support future activities?

No, generally, any unused funds must be returned to Merck and cannot be used for other activities without prior approval.


Can I request funding for an activity that has already taken place?

Can I request funding for an activity that has already taken place?

No, it is not possible to retrospectively apply for medical education funding. If a program was initiated in the past and is part of a series of events, funding for future program components can be applied for.

Does previous support guarantee future support?

Does previous support guarantee future support?

No, all proposals received in response to any given RFP will be treated and reviewed equally.

In which geographic areas may activities take place?

In which geographic areas may activities take place?

We fund medical education programs globally, with the exception of the USA. Medical education providers located in the USA, or for activities taking place in the USA, please visit our US subsidiary at

Can I apply for funding in other disease areas than those specified on the homepage?

Can I apply for funding in other disease areas than those specified on the homepage?

Occasionally, RFPs may also be issued in other disease areas. These RFPs will be indicated on the homepage.

Can I request funding for promotional medical education activities using the Merck Medical Education Grant System?

Can I request funding for promotional medical education activities using the Merck Medical Education Grant System?

No, promotional and / or product-related medical education is not supported by the Merck Medical Education Grant System.